As a consequence of the visit to this Site, the data referring to identified or identifiable people are subject to be processed. The “Data Controller” of such processing is Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l., which is based at Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza - Italy), via Ss. Fortunato e Lazzaro 105, 36061.
The processing connected to the Web services of this Site take place at the afore-mentioned Business Centre of Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l., and is dealt with only by technical personnel responsible for the processing, or by occasional people in charge of possible maintenance operations.
Navigation data
The computer-based systems and the software procedures involved in the working of this Web site, in the course of their normal service, come into possession of some personal information, the transmission of which is implied in the use of the protocols of Internet communication.
This information is not collected to be associated to any identified people, but, through processes and associations with data owned by third parties, by its own nature might lead to the identification of users.
In this category of data are included the IP addresses or the names stored in the domain of the computers used by those who access the Site, the addresses in notation URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, the digit code showing the state of the reply given by the server (good, error, etc…) and other parameters connected with the operating system and the structure and conditions of the user’s computer.
This data is used only to get anonymous statistical information about the use of the Site and to check its correct performance and is deleted immediately after processing.
Data voluntary provided by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary forwarding of personal data from the user on registration forms present on this Site implies the subsequent acquisition of the data provided by the sender, which is essential to the procession of the required service. Specific, concise information to data subjects will progressively be reported or displayed on the pages of the Site set up for particular services on demand.
Pastagiglio.com utilizes Cookies to make its services simple and efficient for the user who views the site’s pages.
Users viewing the site will see minimum amounts of information inserted in the devices used, whether these are computers or mobile devices, in small text files called “cookies” saved in the directory used by the user’s web browser.
There are various types of cookies, some to make the site’s use more efficient, and others to enable specific functions.
Analyzing them in detail, our cookies allow to:
- Save preferences entered;
- Avoid entering the same information several times during the visit such as, for example, user’s name and
- password;
- Analyze services and contents use provided by Pastagiglio.com to optimize the web surfing experience and
- the services offered.
Technical cookies
This type of cookie allows the correct functioning of some site’s sections and they belong to two categories: persistent and session cookies.
• Persistent: once the browser is closed, they are not deleted, but they remain until a pre-set expiration date.
• Session: they are deleted every time the browser is closed; these cookies, sent always from our domain, are necessary to view correctly the site and in relation to the technical services offered. They will, therefore, always be used and sent, unless the user changes the settings on his/her browser (thus nullifying the displaying of the web site pages).
Analytical Cookies
Cookies belonging to this category are used to collect information on the site’s use. Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l. will use this information for anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the site’s use and to make contents more interesting and relevant to the users’ preferences. This type of cookies collects data in an anonymous method on the user’s activity and on how he/she got to the site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site or from third party domains.
Pastagiglio.com, in compliance with the current legislation, is not required to request consent for technical and analytical cookies, as they are anonymous and necessary to provide the requested services.
Following, find the list of technical cookies used by this site:
• PIWIK_SESSID - session cookie - Used to improve our knowledge of how visitors use our site through our statistics program. Expiration: end of session.
• _pk_id.4.eb65 - persistent cookie - Used to improve our knowledge of how visitors use the site through our statistics program. Expiration: one year.
• _pk_ses.4.eb65 - session cookie - Used to improve our knowledge of how visitors use the site through our statistics program. Expiration: end of session.
Except for what has been specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide the personal information stated on request forms or indicated during contacts with the Office to further the dispatch of information material or of other communications.
Personal data is processed with automated instruments only for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed.
Specific security procedures are kept to prevent the risk of their destruction or loss, whether by accident or not, of unauthorized access to the data or of processing operations that are either unlawful or inconsistent with the purposes for which the data have been collected. Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l. have adopted all the Minimum Security Measures provided by the law. Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l., in accordance with the main international standards, have also taken further security measures to minimize risks regarding to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data collected and processed.
The personal data provided by visitors is used for processing the service or activity requested as well as for advertising or promotional information, and is communicated to third parties only in case this should be necessary for them to provide the required services.
Apart from said cases, data will not be disclosed nor given to anybody unless this is in compliance with contractual and legal obligations or users have given their consent. Therefore, personal information may be transmitted to third parties solely and exclusively if:
1. there is an explicit consent to share data with third parties;
2. there is the need to share the information in order to process users’ requirements;
3. this is essential to execute requests from Judicial Authorities or from the Police.
No data whatsoever coming from the Web is ever disclosed or circulated.
Data subjects have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him exist, to know its content and source, to verify its accuracy or to demand its integration, updating or rectification (Art. 7, Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196). In accordance with said Article, you have the right to ask for the erasure, the anonymization or the blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, and, furthermore, to object on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection.
Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l. check their own privacy and security policy regularly and, if necessary, review it in accordance with the amendments introduced by the law, the organization, or prompted by technological evolution. Any changes to said policy will be posted on this page.
Whoever might be interested in additional information, or wishes to contribute their own suggestions or might want to send in complaints or concerns about any issues arising in connection with either the privacy policy or the way Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l. treat their personal data, can do so by writing to the Owner of the data processing, c.o. Giglio Specialità Paste Alimentari S.r.l., via Ss. Fortunato e Lazzaro, 105 – 36061 – Bassano del Grappa (VI).
Directive 95/46/CE - on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Directive 2002858/CE - concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector.
Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 - Personal Data Protection Code